Forbes magazine logo Ranked Best Coding Bootcamps 2023

Student Stories: Georgios Mastrogiannis

Currently studying Full-stack Web Development

Q: Tell us about yourself!

I currently live in the Czech Republic. I have been working in IT for 10 years now. In the last 2 years, I have moved towards automation, microservices, and DevOps. I started learning Python on my own. So, I am an infrastructure person, but not a dev person. I want to become a dev person!

I want a more complete picture of web development, so I want to learn both front-end and back-end web development from scratch.

Q: Why did you pick Altcademy?

I was looking around for bootcamps, and I saw Altcademy with great reviews! What I really like is that the curriculum is text-based. I prefer the text-based format because reading is better than watching when it comes to learning to code.

So far, I am very happy with the program. I have learned a lot of things. I enjoy the good feedback every time I submit an assignment. My mentor is giving very detailed feedback on my work. So, I am very satisfied with the 100% online experience.

In each assignment, you get to build something using your knowledge. Afterward, you can show the end product to your friends and say “I made this”!

Also, I want to learn the “correct stuff” and the best practices. You can save a lot of time doing a bootcamp.

Q: What are your goals?

I am a determined person. If I put something in my mind, I will get it done. I’m lucky that I’m not in a hurry. I haven’t decided what I will do after finishing the program. You never know about the future, but it’s good to know the ability to code. I am interested in trying out freelancing in the future!

100% online coding bootcamp

Learn how to code with 1-on-1 mentorship with industry experts.

Online & Affordable Self-paced Instant Q&A Expert Mentors 1-on-1 Office Hours


"I hope to apply my coding skills to improve websites and user experiences."


"I learned enough to build web applications and tools and was able to use this knowledge to further my career"


"Altcademy taught me how to build fully responsive websites and follow the good coding practice."

Meet our Alumni

Going from beginners to professional coders, 85%+ of Altcademy alumni are hired within 6 months after graduation

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Fernanda R.

Business Intelligence Analyst at Boyum IT Solutions

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Brittany J.

Innovation Engineer at Elastic

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Matej P.

Cognitive Full Stack Developer at IBM

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Iti A.

Junior Software Developer at Nudge Labs

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Andy T.

Application Manager at The Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute

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William S.

Web Developer at Ramsey MediaWorks

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Daniela R.

Salesforce Developer at Stretch

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Boyan K.

DevOps Engineer at BetterUp

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Yuen K.

Associate React Developer at LifeWorks

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Wesley W.

Web Developer at Bridge E-commerce Platform

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Sam M.

Cobol Developer at Auto-Owners Insurance

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Wenjing C.

Frontend Developer at University of Minnesota

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