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What is Programming?

Web Development Jargons Explained in 5 Different Ways

TLDR: Programming is creating instructions for the computer to perform specific tasks. A person who writes programs is called a programmer. There are many different programming languages a programmer can write programs in.

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Programming is creating instructions for the computer to perform specific tasks. A person who writes programs is called a programmer. There are many different programming languages a programmer can write programs in.

Programs can be as simple as saying "Hello World!" or as complex as predicting the trajectory of a space rocket.

Programmers usually write programs using a text editor. Some programmers like to use integrated development environments (IDEs) to help them work more effectively.

Explain like I'm a total nerd

A program is generally referred to as instructions to perform specific tasks. Early computers were programmed using switches, plugs, punch cards, or paper tapes. It wasn't until the 1970s where programmers could type programs directly into the computers using digital terminals.

ENIAC, a computer for calculating ballistic trajectory
a punchcard representing a program from a Fortran machine

Nowadays, programmable computers are everywhere and accessible to almost anyone who are interested. There are many hobbyists, scholars, engineers, and entrepreneurs alike that are trying to add positive value to this world by programming.

Explain like I'm an artist

Programming is the process of creating instructions for the computer to perform tasks. Each individual program can be thought of as writing a symphony. A concert would be putting together multiple pieces to form a performance that is more than each symphony combined.


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Explain like I already know it

If you are already a programmer, I don't have to convince you how awesome knowing how to program is. Stop procrastinating and get back to creating something that will change the world.

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